
Yes, I'm Going Home! ♥

12/18/2014 07:55:00 PM

Me and my Friend when talking about going Home
I've never been this excited before but today, WOW, I just can't hold it. I'm soooooo excited to go home and make the most of my time out there. Well, aside from the fact that I haven't seen my family for almost a year now, I am very happy that soon (3 days to go), I would be able to see those green pastures and feel the fresh, cold air of  our province. It's so ironic that before, all I wish was to go to the city and never come back (hahah), but, yeah, indeed, THERE"S NO PLACE LIKE HOME. 

As what the song goes, "Only hate the road when you're missing home"....

Well, that's it. I'm so excited and I just can't stop it. Haha.

Are you excited as well? Share it to me. Please leave a comment below :)

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